
Kokoro connect masturbate
Kokoro connect masturbate

That whole episode was just flawlessly executed and when the final theme ends and the previews for the next episode are done, you're shaken and emotionally confused about what you just watch. Other times, particularly and mostly at an episode centred upon Nagase, I was close to tears.


Many times throughout the series laughs were coaxed out of me and once or twice I struggled to keep myself from hysterics. I can't articulate why this was done well or bad or anything as well as I can other aspects, which is unfortunate because this is what made the show good. However, the facet of the characters that shines is in how they interact with each other. Taichi remains a bit of a selfless nobody protag while Yui and other guy lack quite a bit of identity outside of the primary love triangle. The show manages to do it kinda well, not winning any awards for the execution but reasonably good. Not really, but that's the line that it danced against and almost shifted into for a lot of people. The first goal of the show is to get Taichi to solve everybody's problems, set up a harem and make people have character in one episode bursts of exposing past trauma. I honestly watched it with the character list open the first several episodes. The content of what makes a person might be connected wholly to the body but holy fuck does that make it hard to understand who is who. They're all generic anime characters and have anime names. And holy fuck is it hard to get the character at first. So, a secondary effect is that the transition between phenomena doesn't really matter, any one of them could facilitate the exact same character development and the story doesn't form arcs as well as many people think. The phenomena are only present to give a bit of life. In the way that I'm taking about, it almost is. I read somebody describing the show as Deus ex Machina: the Show. And so the phenomena forced upon by heart seed aren't really the point. It illuminates what the events say about the characters as a group and about the characters as individuals while pushing particular aspects of their personal qualities into the shadows. Instead of the trope infecting the characters being the story, the trope guiding the characters to infect each other is. Kokoro connect almost brushes it to the side and only uses it to guide the story. Switching bodies is an extremely personal experience, something that most spend a great deal of time analyzing or at least addressing. And there I think is where the show differentiates itself from other media that has used the trope. Instead the scene is set with the knowledge that something has happened and more importantly, this is the character set. Surprisingly, that's not how it goes in Kokoro connect. The story then proceeds to combine deep analysis of internal trauma, pretending to be other people and masturbation. It's a common approach for stories with similar tropes. There is no set up to learn and appreciate the "normal" state of these characters before they are forced into the mess of their situation. Hm, where to start? At the beginning the show kinda just throws you into what is happening to these people.

Kokoro connect masturbate